
Establishing sewerage network in the villages of Lakes, Ciofrangeni and Burlusi in Ciofrangeni commune, Arges County 

Description of the project:

The sewerage system comprises the following:

  • Sewerage network (pipes and manholes and connections proposed on the opposite side of the main collector that will allow in the next stage of connection of as many consumers, secondary collectors on adjacent roads, cultural social objectives, groups of compact houses) of Dn 250 mm and 300 mm;
  • Wastewater treatment modules of 19 mc/day and one of 30 mc/day fitted according to the land configuration;
  • 7 wastewater pumping stations - two treatment plants and 5 on the route;
  • Treatment plant for !mx=130 mc/day composed of wastewater treatment plant, including the possibility of future extension and the ability to bring waste water to the required indicators, to be discharged into the nearby river.

In the framework of the sewerage network works, the following operations were carried out:

  • Execution of excavations: were carried out mechanized or manually where surveys were foreseen to identify underground networks in the area, digging the ditch in the intersection areas with underground networks in the area (gas, water, telephone cables, electrical, thermal networks, etc.) or at the foundation pits of the fireplaces.
  • Execution of supports, with horizontal cabinets.
  • Launch of tubes in trenches, which can be done manually or mechanized.
  • The combination of tubes, executed by rubber rings.
  • The verification and proof of the sewerage networks consisted of 2 stages, the first stage during the execution and the second stage at the final check for commissioning.
  • Execution of fillings and compactions
  • Transport of land resulting from digging
  • Restoration of the road system