Expansion ecological warehouse Cell 2 Targu Jiu, Gorj County.
Description of the works:
- Construction of the extension of municipal waste storage cell 2 with a useful area of 37380 sqm
- Construction of an additional leachate collection pool with a useful volume of 900 mc
- Execution of protective and defense works against surface erosion of shallow landslides on the western side of the new cell.
Expansion of warehouse cell 2 (compartment 2):
The waterproofing system of the compartment, which has been applied both to the base of the cell and to the inner soles, is composed of the following:
- Bentonite geocomposite
- Geomembranes of rough HDPE on both sides with thickness of 2 mm
- Protective geotextiles with a mass of 1200 g/sqm
- Drenant layer of gravel sort 16-32 mm, 50 cm thick
- Separation geotextiles with a mass of 200 gr/sqm
The cell was provided with a leachate collection and drainage system, through a network of 250 mm PEHD pipes, pictured in ballast prisms at the base of the cell. Between the existing cell 1 and the new compartment 2, a subdivision pier was made, of local material, sealed with 2 mm PEHD geomembranes, in continuation of the basic sealing of cell 1.
Leached collection pool:
Due to the technological needs of controlled and timed collection of leachate produced by storage cells, in addition to the existing leachate basin it was proposed to create an additional leachate basin with a useful V capacity of 900 mc, which allows the collection and storage of leachate for short duration.
The new basin was made similar to the existing basin. That is, semi-buried, concrete, covered with a light metal structure with a simple sheet roof.
Defence works against landslides on the western side:
According to the recommendations of the geotechnical study, on the western side of the newly built compartment 2 some constructive measures of defense against surface landslides are required. Thus, a wall of gabions filled with stone encased in the ground was built, which allows drainage and stabilization of the slope, while protecting the newly built works against surface erosion.
Works within the project:
Fence: on the South side, the proposed warehouse is bounded by the fence with a height of 2m executed from bordered panels mounted on metal poles. The poles will be made of 50x50x5m galvanized square pipe and anchor with feasts in foundations on a depth of 40cm. The foundations will have dimensions of 40x40cm and depth of 80cm. The panels will be galvanized wire with a thickness of 4.4mm.
Facilities for the protection of the warehouse:
- Support wall of gabions – 170,00 ml, made of reinforced concrete eraser C16/20 over which the gabions have settled. Behind the gabions was executed a drainage of dry masonry made of boulders.
- Concrete rigola – 220,00 ml, made of concrete C20/25 with a thickness of 10 cm, placed on a layer of sand 5 cm thick.