We offer a wide range of waterproofing materials with special products and systems based on state-of-the-art technologies and manufactured by world-renowned manufacturers.
Varied portfolio of waterproofing materials:
- Bentonite membranes;
- Bituminous membranes;
- EPDM-based composite membranes;
- Polyurethane;
- Cementitious membranes;
- Complementary membranes:
- Cellulose fibres for MASF;
- Injection resins;
- PP reinforcing fibres;
- Repair mortars.

Full range of waterproofing materials
Bentonite membranes are high performance composites that uniquely combine the outstanding properties of bentonite, the flexibility of polypropylene geotextiles and special manufacturing technology.
Characteristics of benonite membranes:
- The superior characteristics of the bentonite membrane are based on the special ability of natural soda bentonite to increase its volume more than 16 times in contact with water;
- Built between two hard surfaces and in the presence of water, bentonite tends to expand into an extremely dense, completely impermeable gel that creates a highly effective monolithic waterproofing that will last throughout the life of the structure;
- The bentonite membrane hydrolysis system is one of the few high-performance systems for enclosures made of dry or non-drying piles, moulded walls, top-down enclosures, metal sheet piling;
- In the case of contaminated groundwater, sodium bentonite membranes resistant to high levels of contaminants: nitrates, phosphates, chlorides, calcium hydroxide or organic solvents are used.
Bentonite membrane benefits:
- They can be installed in virtually any weather and on a wet surface;
- Applies quickly and easily - pose, overlap, mechanically fix;
- No primers or adhesives required;
- Does not require levelling concrete;
- Does not require protective screed;
- Mechanically adheres to concrete and does not allow lateral water migration;
- One of the most environmentally friendly products for waterproofing infrastructure;
- Surfaces require minimal preparation;
- The bentonite membrane is flexible and moulds easily to details;
- It can be easily installed in top-down system, on pilasters, sheet piling, moulded walls, on any type of support;
- Self-repairing and self-healing;
- Excellent adhesion to concrete;
- Blocks water penetration;
- Reduce costs;
- Significantly reduces the execution time;
- Durability - unlimited.
Classical waterproofing with bituminous membranes are still preferred by designers and developers. Inoveco offers a wide range of bituminous membranes from reputable and experienced manufacturers.
Full range of bituminous membranes
Polymer-modified bitumen waterproofing membrane, multi-functional, studded, for vertical waterproofing of foundations:
- It can be applied in a single-layer system and has a double role: protection and, if necessary, support for the application of thermal insulation by heating the studs and pressing the thermal insulation boards;
- Eliminates the need for protective coating;
- High resistance to abrasion, static and dynamic loads and puncture, higher than HDPE membranes;
- It is easy to apply and the spikes protect the applicators hands when applying with a flame.
Modified bitumen waterproofing membrane with high mechanical resistance, for waterproofing foundations, car parks, bridges and viaducts, tunnels, subway tunnels, roofs with or without thermal insulation, restoration works:
- Reinforcing layer of Spunbond woven-woven fabric-netting with continuous thread and high weight, multiplying and isotropic;
- High mechanical strength;
- Considerable elongation at break.
Modified bitumen waterproof membrane for waterproofing foundations, terraces, roofs:
- Composite reinforcement system made of glass-fibre reinforced polyester with 2-3 times the three-dimensional stability of a normal polyester fabric;
- Good elasticity at low temperatures;
- Also available in a root-resistant version and in thicknesses of 3, 4 and 5 mm.
Bituminous membrane with dual role: diffusion layer and vapour barrier:
- The bottom side has hot-melt adhesive strips made of elastomeric compound that ensure a strong grip and a 40% contact surface;
- Provides a vapour barrier and intermediate waterproofing layer for double-layer systems;
- Can be applied directly to primed concrete on wetter surfaces;
- Prevents bubbles and peeling;
- High flexibility at low temperatures.
Bituminous membrane with self-protection:
- It embeds into fresh concrete and does not allow lateral water migration;
- It can be applied on surfaces of enclosures properly prepared in terms of flatness and moisture content;
- High flexibility at low temperatures.
EPDM-based composite membranes are reactive in contact with water, self-repairing, self-sealing and mechanically self-bonding to concrete.
EPDM-based composite membrane layering:
- A passive EPDM waterproofing layer that ensures total watertightness;
- An intermediate layer that seals the fixing nails to the substrate;
- An active barrier layer that seals overlaps and blocks water migration between membrane and substrate;
- A coextruded unwoven geotextile layer on the face to be in contact with concrete, which achieves a strong mechanical bond to the concrete.
Features EPDM-based composite membranes:
- The membrane is only 1.6 mm thick;
- Apply cold;
- The overlap areas are self-adhesive;
- It has high flexibility;
- Can take up shrinkage cracks and support displacements;
- Provides total impermeability to watertight tank type waterproofing systems up to 50 m water column;
- The application is done quickly, both under the floor and vertically by mechanical fixing on the properly levelled enclosure (pilasters or moulded walls), including on extruded polystyrene or other types of materials.
- It can be delivered in rolls of 0.9 m x 10 m and 1.8 m x 20 m.
Benefits of EPDM-based composite membranes:
- Cold application with the possibility of checking the seal by simple inspection;
- Self-cleaning at overlaps;
- Absolute impermeability to water and gases, including radon;
- Immediate mechanical protection, with self-repair even in case of accidental puncture;
- High resistance to hydraulic pressure;
- High degree of flexibility and ability to bridge support cracks;
- Total adhesion to freshly poured reinforced concrete;
- Easy transition of linking fittings with self-heating of the tear-offs;
- Resistant to aggressive natural agents in the soil;
- It can also be used in saline groundwater;
- Safe waterproofing even in wet-dry cycles;
- Quick and easy application.
Polyurea-based liquid membrane is a two-component polymer for waterproofing and protecting surfaces against wear and corrosion. A multifunctional product, it can be applied to concrete, masonry or metal surfaces, to bridges, car platforms, car parks, to structures in permanent or intermittent contact with waste water or chemically contaminated surfaces.
Benefits of polyurea-based liquid membranes:
- Fast hardening (can be stepped after 5 minutes), easy to maintain and long lasting;
- Excellent waterproofing and corrosion protection properties;
- High thermal stability;
- High mechanical and chemical resistance;
- Elongation at break over 400%, moves perfectly on the surface;
- It forms a seamless and continuous waterproof protective film;
- 100% solids content, no volatile organic compounds;
- Resistance to abrasion, shock and wear;
- UV resistant.
Two-component cementitious membranes are elastic, two-component, waste water resistant waterproof mortars for concrete and masonry.
Benefits of two-component cementitious membranes
- Easy to apply by brushing, with brushes, paintbrushes, spraying;
- Resistant to positive and negative pressure;
- Excellent adhesion to concrete;
- No primer required;
- Sanitary approval for drinking water;
- Resistant to waste water and sulphates;
- They take cracks of up to 0.3 mm;
- Seals passive cracks up to 1 mm;
- They can be used for waterproofing foundations with a suitable protective layer, especially Plastivo 200;
- CE quality certificates.
Single-component cementitious membranes are waterproofing mortars by crystallization in the mass of concrete applicable by brushing.
Benefits of single-component cementitious membranes:
- Reacts with concrete preventing rising damp and water infiltration with or without hydrostatic pressure;
- The waterproofing mechanism is permanently rectified in the presence of moisture;
- Applies easily;
- Picks up and seals microcracks up to 0.3 mm;
- Increases concrete durability;
- Protects concrete against chemical attack;
- It can apply to the positive or the negative side;
- Approved for contact with drinking water.
Cellulose fibers for MASF
Due to their three-dimensional structure, cellulose fibers maintain a high viscosity of the bitumen, thus preventing bitumen flow and segregation at high temperatures during storage, transport and installation. At the same time, the fibres promote the creation of a thicker layer of bitumen around each aggregate grain thus preventing oxidation, moisture penetration and the ascent or cracking of aggregates.
Depending on the type of asphalt plant, cellulose fibres in natural state are used for continuous flow asphalt plants or fibres in granular form for asphalt plants with mixer. The advantage of microgranules is the rapid distribution during dry mixing. Microgranules release cellulose fibres easily and safely, in a way that increases efficiency and improves the quality of asphalt mix production.
Injection resins
Concrete has a natural tendency to crack and the main cause is the appearance of shrinkage both in the plastic state and after hardening. Sometimes these cracks are insignificant and can be ignored or superficially repaired if necessary. However, if they are deep and have an opening larger than the admissible one, they can affect the durability, structural stability, aesthetics and performance of the structure.
Polyurethane injection resins can seal and take up displacements in case of active cracks and/or stop water infiltration. Single-component resins foam in the presence of water and are used to quickly stop water infiltration. Bicomponents turn either into a flexible gel or a foam like the monocomponents and are used for wet or dry cracks. The type of injection resin will be chosen according to the specific situation, whether the cracks are active or passive, structural or non-structural, dry or wet, with or without infiltration.
Reinforcement fibers from PP
The classical reinforcement, even if well calculated, does not prevent or significantly reduce the cracking tendency of concrete, but only maintains the opening of cracks after they have already formed. Reinforcement can also rust if the pH of the concrete falls below a critical value for various reasons, thus affecting structural integrity.
Adding polypropylene fibres to the concrete mix reduces, or even eliminates, the need for conventional or metal fibre reinforcement, with the benefits of increased performance, reduced costs and improved health and safety aspects. Polypropylene fibre-reinforced concrete is more flexible, has greater resistance to cracking caused by plastic shrinkage, and is far lighter and safer to use than traditional steel reinforcement.
This technology can be used for interior floors, concrete platforms, bridges, precast concrete, pavements, extruded concrete, airport running surfaces, sea walls, plastering, tiling.
Repair mortars
The repair of concrete structures has recently become an important market. Every year significant amounts are invested in the repair and protection of existing concrete structures. New technologies allow the development of new materials with special characteristics that can considerably prolong the life of buildings.
Inoveco can offer you:
- Mortars for repairing and reprofiling concrete structural elements to their original shape and functionality;
- Quick-set mortars for load sealing, repairs or quick anchors;
- Mortars resistant to the action of sulphates and other aggressive chemicals;
- High strength mortars for underpinning and anchoring;
- Mortars for the repair of airport runways and concrete pallets;
- Mortars with underwater application;
- Mortars for finishing concrete surfaces.